Folds of Love:-

LOVE is something divine and most essential for man’s happiness. If man’s relations become estranged or strained, there is tension. But, we find that, in many cases, this love is misdirected or perverted.

Let us suppose that there is a married couple. It is expected that they are on cordial relations and are faithful in their matrimonial relations. However, an element of infidelity is observed in these relations also these days. This is not unusual but has become more and more common with the passage of time. The young ones are left uncared for, the home no longer remains a home, and this, in turn, has numerous other serious consequences.

There is a bad effect on the children, for due to the absence of parental love, something is left wanting within the mind of the child and he seeks other means of getting love or manifesting it. Many children take to lascivious behaviour in their adolescence. So, the number of unwanted children is increasing daily, together with the cases of abortions and illicit relations, beginning at an ever-younger age. The birth of the hippie cult and the drug-addiction may also be traced to lack of parental love at home.

The solution to all these problems is to forge a metal link or love-bond with God, whose love towards human beings is spontane- ous, absolutely unblemished, unselfish, and is the love of a Mother, Father, Friend and Guide-all in one. It is the only kind of love which elevates the person who receives it. Unlucky is the person who misses this kind of love in his life. There are eight qualities, which when observed in a person, consciously or subconsciously, arouse love towards him. These eight qualities are: (1) Loveliness (2) A feeling of belongingness (3) Virtues, (4) Energetic and (5) Thrilling nature (6) Harmony (7) Eternal love and (8) Easy-going nature.

If all these factors are not present, at least some of these are noticed consciously or sub-consciously before one comes to love a particular person. We do not mean that one makes a special effort to discover these qualities and then love is born out of some conditions, but it cannot be denied that one does take notice of some of these qualities, either all at once, or over a period, and then love comes into play.

Deep thinking reveals that all these qualities are in fact found in God at their climax. One gets them in full measure from God if one fosters a love-bond with Him, but that object can be achieved only if one truly understands what ‘I’ stands for. For, the relation- ship with God is as between a Soul and the Supreme Soul.

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