Yoga is Super Consciousness


Yoga is Super-Consciousness:-

IT has been observed that there are mainly, four types of conscious- ness. All men, in this world, without any exception, belong to one or the other category out of these. The first among these, which is common to almost all, is the gross-consciousness. This means the same thing as ‘body-consciousness’. The example of an actor can be cited to clarify this. He plays his allotted role on the drama stage. For instance, if an actress is called upon to act as Indira Gandhi, she may use a mask to look like Indira Gandhi to the spectators. However, in her mind, she is not oblivious of the fact that, in reality, she is not Indira Gandhi, but only her mask makes her appear like the latter. The folly of man, however, is that, playing his part on this World Drama-stage, he has come to identify himself with the gross body, instead of realising that he is a soul and the body is just like his outer garment.

Some people wrongly identify the self, the conscient soul, with the body and brain, which is merely like a computer. To this second category belong the intellectuals, the scientists being among them. They, in their research work, concentrate their minds on ab- stract ideas. At that time, they also are not conscious of their gross body, so that they forget about their bodily relatives, their home and their bodily needs. Yet the ideas with which their mind is occupied are connected directly or indirectly with the objects of this gross world and have something to do with the body. Their’s may be called ‘the Intellectual consciousness’.

Other people, when engaged in their spiritual efforts, are cons- cious of subtle deities or the progenitors of their religion in their subtle form. During those hours of devotion, they are a little above gross-consciousness, and they feel elevated and uplifted. Their’s may be called ‘The subtle consciousness. These devotees may not be con- scious of their own gross body or of the person they worship, yet their mind has the consciousness of the subtle body of those whom they worship.

The ultimate highest type of consciousness, which a yogi in the real sense of the term attains to, is the superconsciousness, and one’s mind is tuned to the Supreme Soul who is Incorporeal. This is what is known, in one word, as Yoga. A Yogi is conscious of him- self as a soul and of God as the Supreme Soul. Just as we chop off the insulating material from wires in order to join them, we have to withdraw from our body in order to establish a link with God.

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